
來源:本站    錄入:2018-4-26

本協(xié)議由    公司(簡稱為“借款人”或“借款方”), 國公司,與信貸銀行(簡稱為“銀行”), 國家銀行機(jī)構(gòu),于    日訂立。

This ACREEMENT entered into as Of_____,_____, between ABC company,aName Of Country company the "Borrower" and BANK NA., a nationsl banking aSSoCiaOn Of the Uned StateS Of theBank”)



鑒于借款人已向銀行要求基于本協(xié)議規(guī)定的條件和款項,向借款人提供一筆本金為 美元(US $)的定期貸款;

WHEREAS,the Borrower has requested the Banktoextend to 1the Borrower a term 10an in the principal amount Of United States Dollars US $ upon the terms and subject to theConditiohS Of this Agreement; and



WHEREAS, the Bank is prepared to make SUCh a loan aVailable to the Borrower upon the terms and subject to the conditions Of this Agreement;



NOW,THEREFORE,incOnSideraonofthe mutual promises Contained therein, the pares agree as f0110ws


第一條定 Article 1 DefinitonS

11 基于本協(xié)議之目的,下列詞語可定義為:

Section 11FOr the Purposes Of this Agreement, the following expressions have the meanings set fonh below


“營業(yè)日”指位于 的銀行開始正常銀行業(yè)務(wù)的任何一天,以及 同業(yè)銀行拆借市場進(jìn)行美元拆借交易的任何一天。

"Business Day": any day on which banks are open to conduct their regular banking business in , england, and Los Angeles, , and on which dealings in DOllar deposits between banks are carried out in the interbank market;



"Commitment": the obligation of the Bank to make the loan to the Borrower on the date hereof;


信貸”;指位于 的信貸銀行的國際分部。

"Credit ": Credit Bank International Division, ;



"Dollars" and the sign" $ ": lawful money of the United States of America and , in relation to all payments hereunder immediately available funds;



"Event of Default": any of the events specified in Article Vlll of this Agreement;


“擔(dān)保人”:指 銀行。"Guarantor": Bank Limited;


“負(fù)債”:任何人或借款人的負(fù)債是指依據(jù) 國通常接受的會計準(zhǔn)則所包括的在債務(wù)被確認(rèn)之日該人或借款人之資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表負(fù)債一側(cè)所表明的確定負(fù)債的全部債務(wù)項目,其也包括其他被承繼或被擔(dān)保的,或?qū)俳杩钊舜我蚺及l(fā)的債務(wù)(有別于在托收過程中文件背書)在內(nèi)的債務(wù)及負(fù)債,無論是源于任何協(xié)議所引起的負(fù)債,或是提供款項及預(yù)付款項或其他方式引起的負(fù)債均屬此范圍。

"Indebtedness": of any Person, or the Borrower, means all items of indebtedness which in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Name of Country Would be included in determining liabilities as shown on the liability side of a balance sheet of such Person or the Borrower as of the date indebtedness is to be determined,and shall also include all indebtedness and liabilities of others assumed or guaranteed or in respect of which the Borrower is secondarily or contingently liable other than by endorsement of instruments in the course of collection),whether by reason of any agreement to acquire such indebtedness or to supply or advance sums or otherwise;



"Installment Payment Dates": subject to Section 4.1, the dates which are eighteen months, twenty--four months, thirty months,thirty--six months forty--two months, forty--eight months, fifty--four months and sixty months from the date hereof;



"Interest Payment Date": the last day of each Interest Period;


“計息期”:指自協(xié)議生效日起 個月之后止的一段期間,每一計息期自上一計息期最后一日始,到借款人所選擇的三個月后或六個月后止,但是(I),如果每一計息期的最后一日不是銀行營業(yè)日者,則順延到下一營業(yè)日,或(II)假若一個計息期早于或晚于分期付款日開始或截止,則計息期將在該分期付款日結(jié)束。

"Interest Period": the period commencing on the date hereof and ending on the day which is______ months after such date, andeach period thereafter beginning on the last day of the immediately preceding Interest Period and ending on the day which is three months or six months after such date, as the Borrower may elect;provided, however, that I any Interest Period which would otherwise end on a day which is a Business Day shall be extended to the next succeeding day which is a Business Day , and I any Interest Period commencing before and which would otherwise end after an Installment Payment Date shall end on such Installment Payment Date;



"Interest Rate": the rate of interest to be determined as provided in sections 2.4, 2.6and 2.7 as the case may be:



"Lending Office": the International Banking Facility of the Bank, or such other branch, office, affiliate or subsidiary of the Bank as it may at its discretion from time to time designate, from which the Loan will thereafter be made and for the account of which the Loan will be outstanding and all payments hereunder will be made;



"Loan": the loan made by the Bank to the Borrower pursuant to Section 2.1 hereof;



"Note": the promissory note of the Borrower to the order of the Bank in substantially the form of Exhibit A hereto, evidencing the indebtedness of the Borrower to the Bank resulting from the Bank's Loan to the Borrower;



"Person": any natural person, corporation, firm, association,overnment , governmental agency or any other entity other than be Borrower and whether acting in an individual, fiduciary or other pacity.


第二條貸 Article 2 The Loan

21 承諾 Section 2.1 The Commitment.

根據(jù)本協(xié)議規(guī)定的條件和款項并基本借款人作出的陳述與保證,銀行同意通過其貸款機(jī)構(gòu)借出,且借款人也同意借人本金為 萬美元( $)的貸款。

Upon the terms and subject to the conditions herein set forth, and relying upon the representations and warranties of the Borrower, the Bank agrees, acting through its Lending office; on the date hereof to lend to the borrower, and the Borrower agrees to borrow, the principal amount of Dollars $.


22 釋放 Section 2.2 Disbursement.


On the date hereof, upon fulfillment of the conditions set forth in Article VI, the Bank shall make the amount of the Loan available to the Borrower by remitting the amount of the Loan to an account in New York designated by the Borrower, If the Borrower fails to satisfy the conditions precedent set forth in Article VI 1 the Bank shall be obligated to make the Loan.


23 還款、支付利息及計息期的確定

Section 2.3 Repayment; Payment of Interest; Designation of Interest Period.



The Borrower agrees to repay the principal amount of the Loan on the installment Payment Dates in eight equal installments and to pay interest on each interest Payment Date on the outstanding principal balance of the Loan at the Interest Rate. The Borrower shall give notice to the Bank not less that five Business Days prior to the commencement of each interest Period other than the first Interest Period whether it has elected an Interest Period of three months or six months. If no such notice is received by the Bank, the relevant interest Period shall be the same length as the previous Interest Period; provided, however, that an interest Period commencing before and which would otherwise and after an installment Payment Data shall end not such installment Payment Date.


24 利率的確定 Section 2.4 Determination of interest Rate.

依照協(xié)議規(guī)定每一計息期的利息應(yīng)為百分之 %),此利率加該計息期償付前兩日, 時間11OOAM, 同業(yè)銀行拆借市場的利率。

The interest Rate for each interest Period with respect to the Loan shall be percent % above the rate at which Dollar deposits in an amount equal to the principal amount of the Loan to be made or maintained are offered by the Bank for such Interest Period to prime banks in the London interbank market as of 11: 00A. M. time two Business Days prior to the commencement of such Interest Period.


25 票據(jù) Section 2.5 The Note.


The Borrower's obligation to reply the principal amount of the Loan made by the Bank hereunder shall be evidenced by a note of the Borrower in the form of Exhibit A to this Agreement with appropriate in sections pursuant to this Section 2.5. The Note shall I be dated the date hereof II be payable to the order of the Bank in the principal amount of the Loan, III mature in eight equal installments payable on the Installment Payment Dates and IV bear interest at the interest Rate on the outstanding principal balance thereof from time to time, computed for each Interest Period and payable on the Interest Payment Dates.


26 替代基礎(chǔ)Section 2.6 Substitute Basis.

在利率是依24款規(guī)定確定時,(1)銀行應(yīng)確定利率已定而本金尚未償付的那一期利息期的美元無法在倫敦同業(yè)銀行市場上拆借到或(Ⅱ),在某一確定利息期,其原先規(guī)定的利息,即從倫敦同業(yè)銀行拆借的利息無法正確反映銀行的費用時,銀行應(yīng)在該計算期生效第一天之前至少一個營業(yè)日,以電傳、電報或電話方式、將銀行作出的決定通知借款人。在此通知后的 天,銀行和借款人應(yīng)通過友好會談確定一個雙方都能接受的基礎(chǔ)(簡稱為“替代基礎(chǔ)”)。如果在此通知后的 天內(nèi)銀行劃款人商定了替代利率,該利率應(yīng)具有追溯力且自該利息期的第一天起生效。如果在此通知后的 天內(nèi),銀行和借款人未能就替代利率達(dá)成一致,銀行應(yīng)以書面形式向借款人出具一份銀行為獲得該利利期內(nèi)貸款所應(yīng)負(fù)擔(dān)利息的文件,應(yīng)當(dāng)明確的是銀行的利息率應(yīng)與 %的相同,上述利息若確實影響了銀行籌集該利息期貸款的費用,則新利率自該利息期的第一天起就有效。銀行應(yīng)向借款人提供其獲得貸款的途徑及為獲得此貸款而支付費用的證明。在收到銀行有關(guān)利息率或為獲得貸款而支付的利息的通知后,借款人有權(quán)依據(jù)47的規(guī)定,將貸款和本票中尚未支付的本金的全部(不是部分),加上自此預(yù)付日起計算的利息,一次性地先行償付銀行。


27 In the event that on any date on which an Interest Rate is to be determined pursuant to Section 2.4, I the Bank shall determine that Dollar deposits in the principal amount of the Note to be outstanding for the interest Period for which such interest Rate is to be determined are not available to the Bank in the London interbank market, or II the Bank shall determine that the offered rate quotations at which Dollar deposits are offered in the London interbank market do not accurately reflect the cost fo the Bank of making maintaining the Loan for such interest period, the Bank shall forthwith give notice of such determination to the Borrower, by telex telegram or cable at least one Business Day prior to the first day of any interest Period so affected. During the thirty days next succeeding the date of any such notice, the Bank and the Borrower shall enter into negotiations in good faith in order to arrive at a mutually acceptable alternative basis such alternative basis being hereinafter referred to as the "Substitute Basis" for funding the Loan. If within the thirty days following the date of any such notice the Bank and the Borrower shall agree upon a Substitute Basis, such Substitute Basis shall be retroactive to and effective from the first day of the then current Interest Period. If after thirty days from the date of such notice the Bank and the Borrower have failed to agree upon a Substitute Basis, then the Bank shall certify in writing to the Borrower the interest rate or rates at which the Bank is prepared to make or maintain the Loan for such interest Period, it being understood that the Bank's interest rate shall be a rate per annum equal to one and one--half percent %), above a rate which adequately and fairly reflects the cost to the Bank of obtaining the funds necessary to maintain the Loan for the then current Interest Period, such interest rate or rates to be retroactive to and effective from the first day of such interest Period. The Bank shall furnish to the Borrower appropriate evidence establishing the manner in which the Bank obtained such funds and the cost to the Bank of obtaining such funds. Upon receipt of notice of the interest rate or rates at which the Bank will make or maintain the Loan, the Borrower shall have the right to prepay in full but not in part),pursuant to the provisions of Section 4. 7, the then outstanding principal amount of the Loan and the Note together with interest accrued therein to the date of such prepayment.

過期未付本金的利息率 Section 2.7 Interest Rate on Overdue Principal.

在借款人未能償還根據(jù)貸款合同和本票的規(guī)定應(yīng)償還的款項時,借款人應(yīng)根據(jù)要求向本票持有人支付利息,利息從應(yīng)付款日起計算,到實際付款日止。每一年的利率以下列中較高的為準(zhǔn):(1)在借款人未能按期償付本息的利息期的上一利息率的基礎(chǔ)上再加上 個百分點( %),或(Ⅱ)在借款人未能償付之日的 同業(yè)銀行拆借市場上的上午 ,主要銀行所出具的貸款利率報價的基礎(chǔ)上再加 個百分點( %)。銀行應(yīng)以正確的書面方式或電傳通知借款人確定的利息。在不損害本條規(guī)定的銀行的權(quán)利以及準(zhǔn)據(jù)法允許的前提下,借款人同意補(bǔ)償銀行因為借款人不及時償還貸款或本材料規(guī)定的本金或利息,或其他費用,如銀行為遵守出貸承諾或為獲得貸款款項而產(chǎn)生的損失。為此,銀行應(yīng)出具一份標(biāo)明損失和費用的證書。

In the event of failure by the Borrower to pay when due whether upon stated maturity . by acceleration or otherwiseany payments due under the Loan or the Note, the Borrower shall pay interest to be paid upon demand, to the holder of the Note on the unpaid amounts from the date such payments were due to the date of actual payment, before as well as after judgment for each day at a rate peranrum equal to the higher of I percent % above the Interest Rate applicable to the Loan for the Interest Period immediately preceding the failure by the Borrower to pay or I percent %above the rate at which Dollar deposits were offered by the Bank in the amount outstanding for a one month period to prime banks in the London interhank market as of . time on the date of such failure by the Borrower to pay and on the first Business Day of each succeeding one month period thereafter. The Bank shall give prompt written or telex notice to the Borrower of the Interest Rate in effect from time to time in accordance with the foregoing sentence. Without prejudice to the rights of the Bank under this Section and to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Borrower agrees to compensate the Bank for any loss or expense which the Bank may sustain or incur as a consequence of the Failure by the Borrower to pay when due any portion of the principal of or interest accrued on the Loan or the Note, or any other amount payable hereunder including but not limited to any amounts payable by the Bank in order to honor its Commitment or make or maintain the Loan. A certificate of the Bank setting forth the basis for the determination of the amounts necessary to compensate the Bank as aforesaid in respect of such loss or expense shall be conclusive as to such determination and such amounts.


28 計算、終局決定 Section 2.8 Computation; Determination Conclusive.


All payments of interest shall be computed on the basis of a year of 360 days for the actual number of days involved. Each determination of any Interest Rate by the Bank shall be conclusive and binding on the parties hereto save for manifest arithmetic error.


29 收入的利用Section 2.9 Use of proceeds.


a)貸款收入應(yīng)用作 (確定用途)。

aThe proceeds of the Loan will be used to finance a specify purpose.



bThe Bank hereby notifies the Borrower, and the Borrower hereby acknowledges that it understands, that it is the policy of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System of the United States of America that extensions of credit by international banking facilities may be used only to finance the non- United States operations of a customer located outside the United States of America. The Borrower acknowledges that the proceeds of the Loan will be used solely to finance its operations outside the United States of America.


第三條信用證Article 3Letter of Credit

31 信用證Section 3.1 Letter of Credit.


為支持并擔(dān)保借款人履行本合同及本票項下的義務(wù),擔(dān)保人應(yīng)按照附錄2(保函”)的格式向銀行出具一份備用信用證。該保函的金額應(yīng)為 ,且有效期應(yīng)到償付貸款日后一個月的第一天為止。

The performance by the Borrower of its obligations hereunder and under the Note shall be supported and guaranteed by a standby letter of credit issued to the Bank by the Guarantor in the form of Exhibit B hereto the "Guaranty". Such Guaranty shall be in the Amount of and shall not expire prior to the date which is one month after the final installment Payment Date.


第四條付 Article 4Payments

41 付款Section 4.1 Payment.

根據(jù)合同和本票的規(guī)定,借款人對應(yīng)向銀行償付的貸款不得抵銷、反訴并可自由兌換,付款應(yīng)向洛杉磯的貸款機(jī)構(gòu)支付,不遲于當(dāng)?shù)貢r間( 時間)上午1000。一旦應(yīng)付款日為非營業(yè)日,則自動順延到該日后的第一個營業(yè)日。在計算利息和金額時應(yīng)包括這一日和下一個營業(yè)日。

All payments made by the Borrower under this Agreement or the Note shall be made to the Bank without setoff or counterclaim and in freely transferable United States Dollars no later than 10:00 a.m. time at Crocker Los Angeles for the account of the Lending Office. Whenever any funds are due t be paid on a day which is not a Business Daythe date for the making thereof shall be extended to the next succeeding Business Day. Interest or any other amounts due hereunder shall be computed on the basis of the number of days elapsed until and including such succeeding Business Day.


42 以美元付款的義務(wù)Section 4.2 Obligation to Make Payments in Dollars.


The obligation of the Borrower to repay the principal of and interest on the Loan and the Note, together with interest thereon, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and of the Note, and the obligation of the Borrower to pay all other amounts under this Agreement, shall be dischargeable only by payment in Dollars, regardless of any law rule, regulation or statute, whether now or hereafter in existence or in effect in any jurisdiction which affects or purports to affect such obligation. The obligation of the Borrower to make payment in Dollars of the principal of and interest on Loan and the Note shall not be discharged or satisfied by any tender, or any recovery pursuant to any judgment, which is expressed in or converted by the Bank to any currency other than the full amount of Dollars expressed to be payable in respect of the principal of and interest on the Loan and the Note and all other amounts due hereunder. The obligation of the Borrower to make payments in Dollars as aforesaid shall be enforceable as an alternative or additional cause of action for the purpose of recovery in Dollars in the amount if any by which such actual receipt shall fall short of the full amount of Dollars expressed to be payable in respect to the principal of or interest on the Loan and the Note and all other amounts due hereunder, and shall not be affected by judgment being obtained for any other sums due under this Agreement or the Note.


43 借款人部分提前付款的權(quán)利 Section 4.3 Borrower's Right to Partial Prepayment.

在任一利息支付日,借款人有權(quán)在提前 天以書信或電傳通知(不可撤銷的通知)銀行后,有權(quán)將本金和利息,部分地或全部的提前償還。每一部分的預(yù)先償還額應(yīng)不少于 美元,且按倒序償還。提前償還部分不得再借用。

The Borrower shall have the right on not less than thirty Business days'written or telex notice which notice shall be irrevocable to the Bank specifying the amount and date of prepayment , to prepay the Loan in full or in part, together with accrued interest thereon on any Interest Payment Date. Each partial prepayment shall be in integral multiples of and shall be applied first to unpaid installments of principal of the Loan in the inverse order of maturity thereof. The amounts so prepaid may not be reborrowed hereunder.


44 補(bǔ)償 Section 4.4 Reimbursement.


The Borrower will reimburse the Bank for all costs, expenses and losses including loss of profit incurred by the Bank including , without limitation, costs expenses and losses incurred in connection with the acquisition or liquidation of deposits or other funds acquired by the Bank in order to make or maintain the Loan or in connection with the re-- employment of such deposits or other funds following the payment or prepayment of the Loan at rates lower than the rate of interest on the Loan as provided for by this Agreement except for loss of profit accruing after the Interest Payment Date next succeeding such payment or prepayment by reason of a the Loan not being made on the date hereof, or b the payment or prepayment of any principal of the Loan on a date other than an Interest payment Date. The Bank shall describe and certify any such costs expenses and losses incurred by it to the Borrower, and such certification and notice shall be binding and conclusive in the absence of manifest error in computation or transmission.


45 稅務(wù) Section 4.5 Taxes.


aAll payments on account of the Note and the principal of and interest on the Loan and all other amounts payable under this Agreement or the Note by the Borrower shall be made free and clear of and clear of and without reduction by reason of all present and future income stamp and other taxes, duties fees, leviesimposts, deductions, charges, compulsory loans, withholdings or other charges whatsoever imposed assessed, levied or collected by Name of Country or any department agency or other political subdivision or taxing authority thereof or therein or any organization of which it is a member, together with interest thereon and penalties with respect thereof, if any , on or in respect of this Agreement, the Loan the Note, the registration, notarization or other formalization of any thereof, the enforcement of any thereofand any payment of principal, interest charges, fees or other amounts made on, under or m respect of any thereof herein collectively called "Taxes". If any Taxes are so levied or imposed, the Borrower shall pay to the Bank such additional amounts as may be necessary so as to assure the Bank that it will receive a net amount equal to the total amount of the payments provided for herein or in the Note which the Bank would have received if such amounts had not been subject to Taxes. All Taxes will be paid by the Borrower prior to the date on which penalties attract thereto, within 45 days after the date on which payment of any such Taxes is due pursuant to applicable law the Borrower will furnish to the Bank the original of a receipt for the full payment of such Taxes or , if such is not available evidence of such payment satisfactory in form and substance to the Bank.



The Borrower will indemnify and hold harmless the Bank or holder of the Note against and will reimburse to any such party upon demand the amount of any Taxes actually paid by any such party.


46 增加費用 Section 4. 6 Increased Costs.


On and after the date of this Agreement in the event that any change in any applicable law, rule or regulation or in the interpretation or administration thereof by any govern mental authority charged with the interpretation or administration thereof or in any directive of any applicable fiscal or monetary authority whether or not having the force of law shall change the basis of taxation of payments to the Bank of the principal of or interest on the Loan or the Note or in respect of any other amounts due under this Agreement or shall impose, modify or deem applicable any reserve, special deposit or similar requirements against assets of, deposits with or for the account of, or credit extended by , the Bank or shall impose on the Bank or the London interbank market any other condition affecting this Agreement, the Loan, or the Note and the result of any of the foregoing is to increase to cost to the Bank of making or maintaining the Loan or to reduce the amount of any sum receivable by the Bank hereunder,then the Borrower shall pay to the Bank upon its demand such additional amount or amounts as will compensate the Bank for such additional cost or reduction. A certificate of the Bank setting forth the basis for the determination of such amount necessary to compensate the Bank as aforesaid shall be delivered to the Borrower and shall ,save for manifest error in computation or transmission ,be conclusive as to such determination and such amount.


4,7 法律變更 Section 4.7 Change of Law.


Notwithstanding any other provisions herein in the event that any change in any applicable law, rule or regulation or in the interpretation or administration thereof by any governmental authority charged with the interpretation or administration thereof shall make it unlawful for the Bank to 1 honor its Commitment, or I make or maintain the Loan, the Bank shall notify the Borrower and shall furnish the Borrower, in writing evidence certified by the Bank of such change. Upon such notice by the Bank to the Borrower of the change, the Commitment of the Bank shall terminate and the aggregate principal amount of the Loan and the Note then outstanding, together with interest accrued thereon and any other amounts payable to the Bank under this Agreement shall be repaid on the Interest Payment Date next succeeding the date of any such change or on such earlier date as is specified by the Bank.


第五條陳述與保證Article 5Representations and Warranties.


To induce the Bank to enter into this Agreement and to make and maintain the Loan, the Borrower makes the following representations and warranties to the Bank.


51 組建公司及資格 Section 5.1 Due Incorporation Qualification.


The Borrower is a specify type of entity duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of Name of Country and it has the corporate power to own its property and to carry on its business as now being conducted and is duly qualified to do business in each jurisdiction in which the character of the properties owned by it therein or the transaction of its business therein makes such qualification necessary.


52 能力和權(quán)力 Section 5.2 Capacity and Authorization.


The Borrower has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement to make to borrowings, to execute and deliver the Note and to incur the obligations provided for herein and therein, all of which have been duly authorized by all proper and necessary corporate action.


53 同意與登記 Section 5.3 Consents and Registrations.


All authorizations, consents, approvals, registrations declarations, exemptions and licenses with or from any person which are required in connection with the execution delivery, performance validity or enforceability of or payment under this Agreement and the Note except central bank permissions to remit foreign exchange which are not available at this time have been obtained and are in full force and effect.


54 合法性和強(qiáng)制性 Section 5.4 Legality and Enforceability.


This Agreement constitutes, and the Note when issued and delivered pursuant hereto will constitute, the legal, valid and binding obligations of the Borrower enforceable in accordance with their respective terms in any competent court in Name of Country.


55 其他附屬文件 Section 5.5 Compliance with Other Instruments.


The execution and delivery of this Agreement and compliance with its terms and the issuance of the Note as contemplated therein will not result in a breach of any of the terms or conditions of , or result in the imposition of any lien, charge or encumbrance upon any properties of the Borrower pursuant to, or constitute a default with due notice or lapse of time or both or result in an occurrence of an event for which and holder or holders of indebtedness may declare the same due and payable under, any indenture, agreement,order, judgment or instrument under which the Borrower is a party or by which the Borrower or its property may be bound or affected,or under the Memorandum or Articles of Association of the Borrower, and will not violate any provision of applicable law.


56 財務(wù)報表 Section 5.6 Financial Statements.

借款人在 ,并與該財政年度未借款人損益報告有關(guān)并已將復(fù)印件送交銀行的資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表應(yīng)是在保持一貫性的基礎(chǔ)上依X國通常所能接受的會計準(zhǔn)則于期末日所準(zhǔn)備出的,完整、正確及公正地反映該期間現(xiàn)時財務(wù)狀況和期未經(jīng)營成果。在當(dāng)日出具的資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表內(nèi)及說明之中不得帶有任何借款人直接或間接,固定費用或提成費率形式的重大債務(wù);并且自出具資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表之后起,在借款人業(yè)務(wù)、財產(chǎn)狀況(財務(wù)方面或其他方面)及經(jīng)營上不存在重在不利變更。

The balance sheet of the Borrower as at , and the related earnings statement of the Borrower for the fiscal year then ended copies of which have been furnished to the Bank, are complete and correct and fairly present the financial condition of the Borrower as at such date and the results of its operations for the period ended on such date and have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Name of Country appled on a consistent basis. There are no material liabilities direct or indirect, fixed or contingent, of the Borrower as of the date of such balance sheet which are not reflected therein or in the notes thereto. There has been not material adverse change in the business, properties condition financial or other or operation of the Borrower since the date of said balance sheet.


57 重大不利條件 Section 5.7 Material Adverse Events.


Except as heretofore disclosed by the Borrower to the Bank in writing, since neither the condition financial or otherwise), the business nor the properties of the Borrower have been materially and adversely affected in any way.


58訴訟及其他 Section 5.8 Litigation,Etc.


Except as heretofore disclosed by the Borrower to the Bank in writing, there are no actions, suits or proceedings whether or not purportedly on behalf of the Borrower pending, or to the knowledge of the Borrower threatened, against or affecting the Borrower, at law or in equitybefore or by and person, which , if adversely determined would have a material adverse effect on the business, properties or condition financial or otherwise of the Borrower. The Borrower is not in violation or default with respect to any applicable laws and/ or regulations which materially affect the operations and/or condition financial or otherwise of the Borrower nor is it in violation or default with respect to any order, writ injunction, demand or decree of any court or any Person or in violation or default in any material respect under any indenture agreement or other instrument under which the Borrower is a party or may be bound, default under which might have consequences which would materially and adversely affect the business, properties or condition financial or otherwise of the Borrower.


59 稅務(wù) Section 5.9 Taxes.


The Borrower is permitted to make all payments hereunder or under the Note as provided in the Agreement and the Note, all such payments to the Bank shall be free and clear of any Taxes and such payments when received by the Bank will not be subject to Taxes. The Borrower is permitted to pay all Taxes as provided in this Agreement.


510 文證稅務(wù) Section 5.10 Documentary Tax.



Neither this Agreement, the Note nor the Guaranty is subject to any stamp or documentary tax or other similar charge including but not limited to any registration tax ofName of Country or any political sub--division or taxing authority thereof or therein, except stamp duty under the Name of Country Revenue Code.


511 豁免 Section 5.11 Immunity.


The Borrower is subject to suit with respect to its obligations hereunder and the borrowings by the Borrower hereunder and the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Note by the Borrower constitute private and commercial acts rather than governmental and public acts. Neither the Borrower nor any of its assets enjoys any right of immunity on the grounds of sovereignty or otherwise from setoff,suit, judgment or execution in respect of its obligations under this Agreement.


512 權(quán)利 Section 5.12 Title.

借款人對于其反映于 ,依本協(xié)議第56款向借款人出具的資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表和相關(guān)說明之中的財產(chǎn)及資本,以及在出具資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表前后借款人取得的全部財產(chǎn)及資本享有良好的可以出讓的權(quán)利;而且這些財產(chǎn)或資本,除依第56款所述最近的資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表和相關(guān)說明中披露者外,均不得含有留置債權(quán)(包括不動產(chǎn)抵押或證券權(quán)益抵押)。

The Borrower has good and marketable title to its properties and assets reflected in the balance sheet and related notes of the Borrower as at , referred to in Section 5.6 and all properties and assets acquired by the Borrower thereafter and prior to the date hereof; and none of such properties or assets are subject to any lien including any encumbrance or security interest), except as disclosed in the most recent balance sheet referred to in Section 5.6 and the related notes.


513 稅務(wù) Section 5.13 Taxes.


The Borrower has filed or caused to be filed all tax returns which are required to be filed by it pursuant to the laws, regulations or orders of each governmental entity or taxing authority withtaxing power over the Borrower or its assets. The Borrower has paid or made provision for the payment of, all taxes, assessments fees and other governmental charges which have or may have become due pursuant to said returns, or otherwise, or pursuant to any assessment received by the Borrower, except such taxes, if any as to which adequate funded reserves determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in C Name of Country 3 have been provided. The charges, accruals and reserves in respect of taxes on the books of the Borrower determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Name of Country3 are adequate. The Borrower knows of no proposed material tax assessment against it and no extension of time for the payment of any tax is in effect or has been requested except as disclosed in the financial statements furnished to the Bank.


514 不利合同及指令 Section 5.14 Adverse Contracts and Orders.


Except as heretofore disclosed in writing to the Bank, the BOrrower is not a party to or bound by, or subject to, any contract, instrumentcharger, by--law or other corporate restriction or any order decree or judgment of any Person the "Restrictive Documents" which materially and adversely affects its business, properties or condition financial or otherwise or is in default in the performance,observance, or fulfillment of any of the obligations or conditions contained in any of such Restrictive Documents.


515 同等履行 Section 5.15 Pari Passu.


The Borrower's obligations hereunder and under the Notes rank and will rank at least pari passu in priority of payment and in all other respects with all other indebtedness of the Borrower.


516 法律形式 Section 5.16 Legal Form.

本協(xié)議,票據(jù)及擔(dān)保依   國法律具有適當(dāng)?shù)姆尚问?,而且依其各個條款賦予強(qiáng)制力以強(qiáng)制程序在X國法院對抗借款人。


This greement the Note and the Guaranty are in proper legal form under the laws of Name of Country and would be entitled to enforcement in accordance with their respective terms if proceedings for the enforcement thereof were brought against the Borrower in the courts of Name of Country .


517 擔(dān)保人 Section 5.17 The Guarantor.

擔(dān)保人依   國法律組建并具有良好聲譽(yù),而且其具有全部能力、授權(quán)和法律權(quán)力依擔(dān)保承付債務(wù)、簽署擔(dān)保文件以及履行和遵守?fù)?dān)保文件條款;在擔(dān)保文件簽署之后即具有法律效力,有效并對擔(dān)保人義務(wù)在X國有管轄權(quán)的法院依擔(dān)保條款而具有強(qiáng)制力。

The Guarantor is duly organized and in good standing under the laws of C Name of Country] and has full power, authority and legal right to incur indebtedness under the Guaranty to execute and deliver the Guaranty, and to perform and observe the terms and provisions of the Guaranty, and the Guaranty when duly executed and delivered will constitute the legal, valid and binding obligation of the Guarantor enforceable in accordance with its terms in anycompetent court in (〔Name of Country〕) .


第六條貸款條件Article 6Conditions of Lending


Section 6.1 The obligation of the Bank to make the Loan hereunder is subject to performance by the Borrower of all its obligations under this Agreement and to the fulfillment of the following conditions precedent in a manner satisfactory to the Bank on or before the date hereof:



The Bank shall have received the duly executed Note in the principal amount of the Loan."



The Bank shall have received the duly executed Guaranty and such Guaranty shall be in form and substance satisfactory to the Bank.




1 The borrower shall have complied and shall then be in compliance with all the terms covenants and conditions of this Agreement which are binding upon it, 2 both immediately prior to and at the completion of the borrowing there shall exist no Event of Default and no event which with the giving of notice or the lapse of time, or both would constitute an Event of Default, and 3 the representations and warranties contained in Article V shall be true with the same effect as though such representations and warranties had been made at the time of such borrowing.



The Borrower and the Guarantor shall have received all necessary governmental approvals required to be obtained in connection with this Agreement, the Note and the Guaranty,including all necessary approvals, if any, for the borrowing hereunder for the use of the proceeds thereof and for the schedule of repayment in Dollars of principal of , and interest on , the Note in accordance with the terms hereof and of the Guaranty and all other payments contemplated hereunder or thereunder or otherwise payable in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby,and such approvals shall be in full force and effect.



The Bank shall have received a certified copy of a letter from the Central Bank approving in principal the borrowing hereunder and the remittance of Dollars by the Borrower pursuant to this Agreement and the Note.



The Bank shall have received certified copies of all corporate action taken by the Borrower and the Guarantor to authorize this Agreement, the Note the Guaranty and the borrowing hereunder , as the case may be, and copies of all governmental approvals referred to in the preceding paragraph d , and such other documents as the Bank shall reasonably require. Such corporate action shall be satisfactory in form and substance to the Bank and its counsel.



The Bank shall have received opinions of.1 Counsel to the Borrower which counsel shall be satisfactory to the Bank, substantially in the form of Exhibit Chereto and with respect to such other matters as the Bank may reasonably require;2 Special Name of Country counsel to the Bank, with respect to such matters as the Bank may require, including, without limitation, the enforceability in accordance with their respective terms of this Agreement, the Note and the Guaranty; and3 Such other opinions of counsel as the Bank may require.



The Bank shall have received evidence of the authority of each person. i who has signed this Agreement on behalf of the Borrower II who has signed the Guaranty on behalf of theGuarantor,(III who will execute the Note on behalf of the Borrower, lV who will sign the statements, reports, certificates and other documents required or permitted by this Agreement and who will otherwise act as the representative of the Borrower in connection with the operation of this Agreement.



The Bank shall have received the authenticated specimen signature of each person named pursuant to the preceding paragraph h.



The Bank shall have received any and all further information and documents, including records of corporate proceedings, which the Bank may reasonably request in connection with the transaction contemplated by this Agreement such documents, where appropriate, to be certified by proper corporate authorities.


第七條約定事項 Article 7Covenants


So long as the Borrower may borrow hereunder and until payment in full of the Note and performance of all other obligation of the Borrower hereunder, and except to the extent that the Bank may otherwise agree i writing:


71 財務(wù)報表Section 7.1 Financial Statements.


The Borrower will furnish to the Bank as soon as available but in no event more than sixty 60 days after the close of each semester of each of the Borrower's fiscal years , an unaudited balance sheet of the Borrower as of the end of such period and a profit and loss statement of the Borrower for such periods, completely and correctly setting forth and fairly presenting the financial condition of the Borrower;


72 報告 Section 7.2 Reports.


aThe Borrower will provide to the Bank as soon as possible and in any event within five days after the occurrence of each Event of Default, or each event which with the giving of notice or lapse of time or both, would constitute an Event of Default, which is continuing on the date of such statement a statement of the Managing Director of the Borrower setting forth details of such Event of Default or event and the action which the Borrower proposes to take with respect thereto; and



bThe Borrower shall provide the Bank with such additional information reports or statements as the Bank may from time to time reasonably request and will permit the Bank or its representatives, at any reasonable time or times to inspect the properties of the Borrower and to inspect, audit and examine the books or records of the Borrower and to take extracts therefrom.


73 平等待遇 Section 7.3 Pari Passu Treatment.


The Borrower's obligations hereunder and under the Notes rank and will rank at least pari passu in priority of payment and in all other respects with all indebtedness of the Borrower, and the Borrower will not secure or allow to be secured any other indebtedness now or hereafter existing by any mortgage, lien, pledge or other charge upon its present or any future assets or revenues except trust receipts made in the normal course of businessunless the benefit of such security is at the same time extended equally and ratably to the Borrower's obligations hereunder and under the Note. The Borrower will insure that all applicable laws in the appropriate jurisdictions are complied with so that the Borrower's obligations hereunder and under the Note shall rank at least equally with such other Indebtedness.


74 保持同意和登記 Section 7.4 Maintenance of Consents and Registrations.


The Borrower will do and cause to be done all things necessary to , and it will comply with all laws applicable to it and it will obtain all consents, licenses approvals or authorizations of or registrations with any governmental authority, bureau agency which may at any time be required or desirable in the opinion of the Bank with respect to this Agreement any amendment of supplement hereto, and the Note and shall take all necessary and appropriate action to ensure the continuance in force of all consents, licenses, approvals, authorizations or registrations so obtained, he Borrower shall deliver to the Bank a certified copy of the Central Bank loan registration letter and a Board of Investment Section 37 approval letter within ninety days from the date hereof.


75 保險 Section 7.5 Insurance.


The Borrower will at all times at its own expense insure and keep insured, with such insurance as the Bank may from time to time reasonably approve, all buildings and constructions of an insurable nature being or forming part of its property, and shall maintain insurance with responsible and reputable insurance companies or associations in such amounts and covering such risks as is usually carried by companies engaged in similar businesses and owning similar properties in the samegeneral areas in which the Borrower operates.


76 存繼、商業(yè)行為 Section 7.6 Maintenance of Existence; Conduct of Business.


The Borrower will preserve and maintain its corporate existence its business as presently conducted, and all of its rights privileges and franchises necessary or desirable in the normal conduct of said business, keep its properties useful or necessary in its business in good working order and condition and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations of any person and the terms of any indenture, contract or other instrument to which it may be a party or under which it or its properties may be bound, if noncompliance will have a material adverse effect upon its financial condition.


第八條違約事件 Article 8Events of Default


Section 8.1 If any one or more of the following "Events of Default" shall have occurred and be continuing whatever the reason for such Event of Default and whether it shall be voluntary or involuntary or be effected by operation of law or pursuant to any judgment , decree or order of any court or any order rule,regulation or decree of any administrative or governmental body:



aFailure by the Borrower to pay , in accordance with the terms or this Agreement or the Note, the principal of or interest accrued on the Loan or the Note or any other amounts payable hereunder, when the same becomes due and payable in accordance with the terms hereof whether at maturityby notice of internation to prepay or otherwise: or



bFailure by the Borrower to perform or observe any other term, covenant or agreemeet contained herein or in the note; or



cAny representation or warranty made by the Borrower herein or any statement or representation made in any certificate,report or opinion delivered pursuant hereto shall prover to have been incorrect or misleading in any material respect when made; or



dAny registration or governmental consent or approval granted or required in connection with this Agreement, the Note or the Guaranty expires or is terminated or revoked or is modified in any manner or fails to remain in full force and effect; or



eIt becomes unlawful for the Borrower or the Guarantor to perform any of its obligations hereunder or under the Note or the Guaranty, as the case may be or any other document contemplated hereby or referred to herein; or



fThe Guarantor shall renounce or modify its obligations under the Guaranty; or



gThe Borrower the Guarantor shall fail to pay at maturity,or within any applicable period of grace any Indebtedness; or fail to observe or perform any term, covenant or agreement contained in any agreement by which it is bound evidencing or securing Indebtedness; if the effect of such failure is to accelerate, or to permit assuming the giving of notice or lapse of time or both, if required the bolder or holders thereof or of any obligations issued thereunder to accelerate, the maturity thereof or of any such obligations, whether or not such acceleration occur or such default shall be waived; or



hThe Borrower or the Guarantor shall be adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent, or admit in writing its inability to pay its debts as they mature, or make an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or the Borrower or the Guarantor shall apply for or consent to the appointment of a receiver, trustee, or similar officer for or for all or any substantial part of its property; or such

receiver, trustee or similar office shall be appointed without the application or consent of the Borrower or the Guarantor and such appointment shall continue undischarged for a period or fourteen 14 days; or the Borrower or the Guarantor shall institute by petition, application answer, consent or otherwise any suspension of payments bankruptcy, insolvency reorganization, arrangement,readjustment or debt, dissolution, liquidation or similar proceeding relating to it under the laws of any jurisdiction, or any such proceeding shall be instituted by petition application or otherwise against the Borrower or the Guarantor and shall remain undismissed for a period of fourteen 14 days; or any judgment,writ warrant of attachment or execution or similar process shall be issued or levied against a substantial part of the property of the Borrower or the Guarantor and such judgment, writ or similar process shall not be released, vacated or fully bonded within fourteen 14 days after its issue or levy; or


i)針對借款方的關(guān)于貨幣財產(chǎn)的終局裁決,如超過 美元或數(shù)量上相當(dāng),應(yīng)在終局裁決日或以后的任何時候做出,發(fā)生在裁決登記后十四天內(nèi),裁決沒有被撤銷,履行或執(zhí)行,就中止未決上訴狀態(tài),在中止期滿后十四天內(nèi),裁決不能被撤銷或履行;或者

iA final judgment for money, in excess of or its equivalent on the date of final judgment or at any time thereafter shall be rendered against the Borrower and if, within fourteen 14 days after entry thereof, such judgment shall not have been discharged, satisfied or execution thereof stayed pending appeal or if, within fourteen 14 days after the expiration of any such stay such judgment shall not have been discharged or satisfied; or



jAll or any substantial part of the property of the Borrower or the Guarantor shall be condemned, seized or otherwise appropriated, or custody or control of such property shall be assumed by any person or entity acting or purporting to act under authority of government de jure or de factoor the Borrower or the Guarantor shall have been prevented from exercising managerial control over all or said substantial part of its property by any such person or entity;



THEN, upon the happening of any of the foregoing Events of Default which shall be continuing the obligation of the Bank to make the Loan hereunder shall immediately cease, and the Bank may declare the principal of and accrued interest in respect of the Loan and the Note to be immediately due and payable whereupon the principal and accrued interest and any and all other amounts payable hereunder shall become immediately due and payable without presentment,demand,protest or other notice of any kind,all of which are hereby expressly waived by the Borrowerprovided that upon the happening of any event specified in Section 8.1hhereof ,the Loan and Note shall be immediately due and payable without any declaration or other notice to the Borrower.


 第九條 管轄權(quán) Section9  Jurisdiction.


The Borrower hereby agrees that any legal action or proceeding with respect to this Agreementthe Note of the other documents contemplated hereby or referred to herein and any action or proceeding to execute or otherwise enforce any judgment obtained against if for breach thereof,may be instituted in the courts of the State of California or in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California or in any cort in Name of Countryor elsewhereas the Bank may elect,and by execution and delivery of the Agreement the Borrower irrevocably and unconditionally submits to each such jurisdiction.


92 傳票 Section9.2 Service of Process.

借款方不可撤銷地?zé)o條件地委托、指派和授權(quán) 公司作為它的代理行為其收受在提起的有關(guān)本合同和票據(jù)的任何訴訟的傳票。借款方同意代理行沒有就送達(dá)通知借款方時將削弱和影響基于上述事項就任何訴訟而作出的送達(dá)和裁決的有效性。借款人進(jìn)而不可撤銷地同意傳票從上述提起訴訟的法院用掛號郵件,通過航空郵寄,郵資已付,按照105條中指定的借款方地址送達(dá)給借款方,然而,前述事項不能限制銀行用法律許可的任何方式傳喚。借款人聲明和保證,只要銀行遵守本協(xié)議和票據(jù),它將為了便于在銀行在提起任何法律訴訟時送達(dá)傳票和辦理其他法律手續(xù)在 保持一個正式的使銀行滿意的指定代理行,并且保證答復(fù)銀行用書面形式提出的關(guān)于代理行的身份和住所地的咨詢。

The Borrower hereby irrevocalby and unconditionally designates,appoints and empowers CT Corporation Systempresently located at .,as its agent to receive for and on ist behalf service of process in in any action or proceeding with respect to this Agreement or the Note.Tthe Borrower agrees that the faliure of any such agent to give notice to the Borrower of any such service shall not impair or affect the validity of such service or of any judgment rendered in any action or proceeding based thereon.The Borrower further irrevocably consents to service of process upon it out of said courts in any such action or proceeding by mailing copies thereof by United Stated registered air mail, postage prepaid, to the Borrower at the address specified in Section 10.5 hereof. The foregoinghowever, shall not limit the right of the Bank to serve process in any other manner permitted by law. The Borrower represents and warrants that so long as it shall be obligated to the Bank under this Agreement or the Note, it shall maintain a duly appointed agent satisfactory to the Bank for the service of summonses and other legal process in for the purposes of any legal suit, action or proceeding brought by the Bank and shall keep the Bank advised in writing of the identity and location of such agent.


93 裁判地點 Section 9.3 Venue.

借款人在法律允許的最大限度內(nèi),不可撤銷地放棄對現(xiàn)在或以后在 法院或 提起的以任何方式起因于或與本協(xié)議或任何票據(jù)有關(guān)的訴訟或?qū)徖沓绦蛑付ǖ膶徟械攸c提出異議,對在上述法院提起的訴訟,不可撤銷地放棄從出庭不便為理由而提出的請求。

The Borrower hereby irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relation to this Agreement or the Note brought in the courts of the State of or and hereby further irrevocably waives any claim that any such suit, action or proceeding brought in any such court has been brought in an inconvenient forum.


第十條其他 Article 10Miscellaneous


101 協(xié)議的完整性 Section 10.1 Entire Agreement.


This Agreement with Exhibits embodies the entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings relation to the subject matter hereof.


102 費用 Section 10.2 Expenses.


The Borrower shall, whether or not the Loan is made, reimburse the Bank on demand, for all reasonable expenses incurred by the Bank including without limitation, the fees and expenses of any special United States or other counsel to the Bank and, in the case of matters referred to in clause b below other counsel to the Bank, independent accountants and other experts and communication, travel and all other out-- of-- pocket expenses incurred in connection with



athe negotiation, preparation execution, delivery and administration of this Agreement the Note and the other documents contemplated hereby or referred to herein , and any amendments or other modifications of or waives or consents under, any thereof;


b)協(xié)議和票據(jù)的執(zhí)行;(bthe enforcement of this Agreement and the Note and



cif an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing whether or not notice of such Event of Default is given by the Bank or any other action is taken in respect thereof), in the administration of this Agreement.


103 不可放棄 Section 10. 3 No Waiver.


No failure or delay on the part of the Bank in exercising any power or right hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right or power preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or power hereunder. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement or the Note and no consent to any departure by the Borrower therefrom shall in any event be effective unless the same shall be in writing and signed by the Bank and the such waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the purpose for which given. No notice to or demand on the Borrower in any case shall of itself, entitle the Borrower to any other or further notice or demand in similar or other circumstances. The rights and remedies herein provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.


10.4 繼續(xù)有效 Section 10.4 Survival.


The representations and warranties of the Borrower set forth herein shall survive the making of the Loan and the qbligations of the Borrower under Sections 2.7 4. 2, 4.4 4. 5, 4.6 and 10.2 hereof shall survive the repayment of the Loan and the cancellation of the Note.


10.5 通知Section 10. 5 Notices.



Any communication demand or notice to be given hereunder or with respect ot the Note shall be duly given when delivered in writing or sent by telex or authenticated cable as follows: +If to the


或者,對任何一方來說,如果有了另外的地址應(yīng)該用書面通知方式對其他各方講明。所有郵寄的從一國到另一國的通知應(yīng)視為一級的航空郵件寄送,郵資已付。除非有另外規(guī)定,所有以掛號航空郵件郵寄的通知和要求,在它們被寄出后 天視為收到,電傳方式傳送的通知和要求發(fā)送時間即視為收到時間。

or, as to each party at such other address as such party may designate by notice in writing to the other party. All notices by mail from one country to another shall be sent as first class, postage prepaid airmail. Except as otherwise provided herein, all notices or demands sent by registered airmail shall be deemed received days after they have been sent and notices or demands sent by telex shall be deemed received at the time of the dispatch thereof.


106 準(zhǔn)據(jù)法 Section 10. 6 Governing Law.


This Agreement, the Note and the right and the obligations of the parties hereunder and thereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California.


107 條款的可分割性Section 10.7 Separability of Provisions.


Any provision of this Agreement which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, not be effective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidation the remaining provisions hereof or affection the validity, or enforceability of such provisions in any other jurisdiction.


108 繼承者和受讓人Section 10.8 Successors and Assigns.



This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Borrower and the Bank and their respective successors and assigns, except that the Borrower may not assign any of its rights and obligations hereunder. The Bank shall have the right at any time without the consent or notice to the Borrower to sell, assign, transfer negotiate of grant participations in or otherwise dispose of all or part of the Loan outstanding under this Agreement or the Note. The Borrower shall at the request of the Bank execute and deliver to the Bank, or to such other party or parties as the Bank may designated any and all further instruments as may be necessary or desirable to give full force and effect to such disposition. The Borrower hereby acknowledges and agrees that any such disposition will give rise to a direct obligation of the Borrower to the participant. The Borrower hereby authorizes the Bank and each participant in case of default by the Borrower hereunder to proceed directly by right of set--off , banker's lien or otherwise against and assets of the Borrower which may at the time of such default be in the hands of the Bank or such participant to the full extent of its interest in the Agreement, the Loan and the Note.


109 語言  Section 10. 9 Language.


All notices, demands, requests, statements or other communications to be made or given by the Borrower hereunder shall be in the English language. Any documents other than financial statements required to be delivered pursuant to this Agreement which are not in the English language must be accompanied by a certified English translation thereof and in the event of any conflict between the original of the document and the English language translation thereof, the English language translation shall for all purposes be deemed to be the correct and controlling version.


1010 標(biāo)題等 Section 10. 10 Headings, Etc.


The headings of the various sections and subsections hereof are for convenience of reference only, do not constitute a part hereof and shall not affect the nearing or construction of any provision hereof.


1011 會計術(shù)語Section 10. 11 Accounting Terms.


All accounting terms not specifically defined herein shall be construed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistent with those applied in the preparation of the financial statements referred to in Section 5.6 hereof, and all financial data submitted pursuant to this Agreement shall be prepared in accordance with such principles.


1012 修改Section 10. 12 Amendment.


No provision of this Agreement or the Note may be amended, modified supplemented, discharged or terminated, unless the Bank consents thereto in writing.


1013 副本Section 10.13 Counterparts.


This Agreements may be executed in any number of counterparts and by the different parties hereto on separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original but all the counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the date first above written.


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