
來(lái)源:本站    錄入:2018-8-5


舊石器時(shí)代 Paleolithic 或者 Old Stone Age

新石器時(shí)代 Neolithic 或者 New Stone Age

部落聯(lián)盟 Tribal Union

傳說(shuō)時(shí)代 Mythical history

三皇五帝 Three Sovereigns and Five Legends 或者統(tǒng)稱為 Legendary Ancient Sages

黃帝 Huang Di,Huang Ti 或者 Yellow Emperor

炎帝 Yan Di,Yan Ti,Yan Emperor 或者 Flame Emperor

華夏部 Huaxia Tribal Union

九黎部 Jiuli Tribal Union 或者 Tribal Union of Nine Lis

三代 Great Reigns of Three Generations

堯天舜日 Great Reigns of Yao and Shun

禪讓制 Abdicating and passing down the throne

大禹 Yu, the Great

夏朝 Xia dynasty 或者 Hsia dynasty

商朝 Shang dynasty

信史 Faithful history

殷墟 Ruins of Yin, Relic of Yin 或者直接Yin Xu

甲骨文 Scripts on Oracle Bones

青銅年代 Bronze Age

周朝 Zhou dynasty 或者 Chou dynasty

西周 Western Zhou

天命 Mandate of Heaven

天子 Son of the Heavenly King

周公旦 Duke of Zhou

分封制:這個(gè)說(shuō)法太多了,我覺(jué)得比較靠譜的是Feudalism system 或者 Enfeoffment system。有的文章用的Tributary system,個(gè)人覺(jué)得不靠譜,那是藩屬國(guó)而不是諸侯國(guó)。

分封的諸侯國(guó):這個(gè)說(shuō)法也很多,常見(jiàn)的有Principality,F(xiàn)eudatory state 以及 Vassal state,但我比較喜歡第一個(gè),因?yàn)楹髢煞N貌似指的是歐洲那種諸侯國(guó)或者附庸國(guó);到了戰(zhàn)國(guó)就可以直接說(shuō)State了,比如秦國(guó)就是State Qin,魏國(guó)是State Wei,衛(wèi)國(guó)是State Wey

諸侯本人:Feudal lords

宗法制:其實(shí)就是以血緣為準(zhǔn)的嫡長(zhǎng)子繼承其余分封的制度,有人用Patriarchy這個(gè)詞,但是這個(gè)詞只強(qiáng)調(diào)了父系血統(tǒng),卻沒(méi)有強(qiáng)調(diào)繼承。我比較喜歡的處理方法是直接說(shuō)Zongfa system,然后再用一兩句話解釋,比如the wife’s eldest son will inherit the lineage of the clan, while younger sons of the wife and sons of concubines will not be regarded as rightful successors of the clan. The eldest son will also inherit the noble title of his father and majority share of the heritage.

禮樂(lè)制度 Rites and Music Principals

周禮 Rituals of Zhou

成康之治 Great Reigns of King Cheng and King Kang

昭王伐楚 Campaign against Chu during King Zhao’s Reign

穆天子之旅 Journey of King Mu

穆天子傳 Tale of King Mu

國(guó)人暴動(dòng) Riot of people in the capital city

烽火戲諸侯 War Signal Drama 或者 Fake War Signals

東周 Eastern Zhou

春秋 Spring and Autumn Period

戰(zhàn)國(guó) Warring States Period

春秋五霸 Five Hegemons

吳越爭(zhēng)霸 Contention of Wu and Yue 或者 Rivalry between Wu and Yue

戰(zhàn)國(guó)七雄:貌似沒(méi)有專門的說(shuō)法,一般就是Seven Warring States

百家爭(zhēng)鳴 Hundred Schools of Thoughts

儒家 Confucianism

孔子 Confucius 或 School of Ru(不常用)

孟子 Mencius

荀子 Xuncius

道家 Taoism 或 Daoism

老子 Lao Tzu 或 Laozi

莊子 Chuang Tzu或Zhuangzi

無(wú)為 Wu-wei,解釋為Action of actionless

墨家 Mohism

法家 Legalism

名家 Logicianism 或者 School of Names

陰陽(yáng)家 Naturalism,School of Naturalists 或者 School of Yin and Yang

縱橫家 School of Diplomacy

小說(shuō)家 School of Minor Talks

雜家 Syncretism

農(nóng)家 Agriculturalism

醫(yī)家 School of Medicine

兵家 School of Military

孫子兵法 The Art of War 或者 Art of Wars

孫子 Sun Tzu

四書五經(jīng) Four Books and Five Classics

論語(yǔ) Analects of Confucius 或者直接 Lun Yu

大學(xué) Great Learning

中庸 Doctrine of the Mean 或者直接 Zhongyong

詩(shī)經(jīng) Classic of Poetry 或者 Classic of Songs

書經(jīng) Book of Documents

禮記 Book of Rites 或者 Classic of Rites

易經(jīng) Book of Changes 或者 I-Ching

春秋 Annals of Spring and Autumn

六韜 Six Secret Teachings

商君書 The Book of Lord Shang

管子 Guanzi

韓非子 Han Feizi

法經(jīng) Canon of Laws

尸子 Shizi

列子 Liezi

竹書紀(jì)年 Bamboo Annals

戰(zhàn)國(guó)四公子 Four Lords of Warring States

食客 Retainer

商鞅變法 Reform of Shang Yang in State Qin

胡服騎射 Riding and shooting in nomadic dress

井田制 Hashtag-shaped-field system 或者 Well-field system,但顯然前一個(gè)對(duì)外國(guó)人來(lái)說(shuō)更直白

都江堰 Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project

太傅 Grand Tutor

太保 Grand Guard

太師 Grand Preceptor

先秦時(shí)期的國(guó)君,一般就是King (Duke) + 名字或謚號(hào) + 朝代/國(guó)家,比如商紂王King Zhou of Shang,周武王 King Wu of Zhou,齊桓公 Duke Huan of Qi,越王勾踐 King Gou Jian of Yue
