
來(lái)源:本站    錄入:2018-8-20

1. 我常聽(tīng)說(shuō)宮里的事福禍相依,到底是好事還是禍?zhǔn)?,還不一定呢!

I often hear that in the palace the good things and bad things are closely associated. So, no one knows exactly what will happen.

2. 在這個(gè)紫禁城里,一個(gè)人,連一棵樹(shù)都不如。

In the Forbidden City, a person, sometimes, is inferior to a tree.

3. 這兒啊,誰(shuí)也照應(yīng)不了誰(shuí),自求多福吧!

In this place, you can rely on nobody but yourself.


4. 凡是標(biāo)榜自己,抬高自己,吹噓自己的人啊,別猶豫,狠狠地啐上一口。

When you meet those who like bragging about themselves, don’t hesitate to spit on them!

5. 勢(shì)比人強(qiáng),一個(gè)雞蛋,怎么敢去碰石頭?

Just like an ant can't topple a big tree, a person cannot reverse the trend.

6. 換成我,千萬(wàn)人的唾沫,我也能唾面自干。哪怕就是要我跪著等,我也要等下去,直到真相大白的那一天。

If I were you, I would humbly wait for the truth coming out, no matter how many people get me wrong and spit on my face.

7. 什么樣的女人到了宮里來(lái),到最后都變成了一個(gè)樣,再聰明,再漂亮,再珍貴,到了最后,還不是都成了魚眼珠,泯然眾人矣。

Whoever comes to the palace would end up exactly with the same result: no matter how outstanding you are at the beginning, you will eventually become one of the emperor’s numerous concubines.

8. 人心存良善,更應(yīng)懂自保。

People are good in nature, but they still should learn how to protect themselves.

9. 病貓始終是病貓,縱然咆哮一聲,也成不了老虎

A sick cat will always be a sick cat. A loud purr doesn’t make it a tiger.


I am a big believer of the saying "never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you". Those cheap tricks will do you no good but only make you appear more despicable.
