
 Company Law of the People's Republic of China
(Adopted at the Fifth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress of China on December 29,1993.Revised for the first time by the 13th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 8th People's Congress on December 25,1999.Revised for the second time by the 11th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the)0th People's Congress on Au.gust 28,2004)
目 錄
第一章 總 則 Chapter I General Provisions
第二章 有限責任公司的設立和 Chapter II Establishment and
組織機構 Organizational Setupof a Limited
Liability Company
第一節(jié) 設 立 Section I Establishment
第二節(jié) 組織機構 Section II Organizational Setup
第三節(jié) 國有獨資公司 Section III Solely State-Owned Companies
第三章 股份有限公司的設立和 Chapter III Establishment and
組織機構 Organizational Setupof Joint Stock
Company Limited
第一節(jié) 設 立 Section I Establishment
第二節(jié) 股東大會 Section II Shareholder's Meeting
第三節(jié) 董事會、經理 Section III Board of Directors.Manager
第四節(jié) 監(jiān)事會 Section IV Supervisory Committee
第四章 股份有限公司的股份發(fā) Chapter IV Issue and Transfer of Shares
行和轉讓 of a Joint Stock Limited Company
第一節(jié)股份發(fā)行 Section I Issue of Shares
第二節(jié)股份轉讓 Section II Transfer of Shares
第三節(jié)上市公司 Section III Listed Companies
第五章 公司債券 Chapter V Corporate Bonds
第六章 公司財務、會計 Chapter VI Financial Affairs and
Accounting of a Company
第七章 公司合并、分立 Chapter VII Merger and Division of
a Company
第八章 公司破產、解散和清算 Chapter VIII Bankruptcy,Dissolution
and Liquidation
第九章 外國公司的分支機構 Chapter IX Branches of Foreign Companies
第十章 法律責任 Chapter X Legal Responsibilities
第十一章 附 則 Chapter Xl Supplementary Provisions
第一章 總 則
Chapter I General Provisions
第一條 為了適應建立現(xiàn)代企業(yè)制度的需要,規(guī)范公司的組織和行為,保護公司、股東和債權人的合法權益。維護社會經濟秩序,促進社會主義市場經濟的發(fā)展,根據(jù)憲法,制定本法。
Article 1 The law is formulated in conformity with the Constitution in view to establishing a modern enterprise system,standardizing the organization and operation of companies,protecting the legitimate rights and interests of companies,shareholders and creditors,maintaining the socialist economic order and promoting the development of the socialist market economy.
第二條 本法所稱公司是指依照本法在中國境內設立的有限責任公司和股份有限公司。
Article 2 The term “company” used in this law refers to a limited liability company or a joint stock company limited set up within the territory of the People's Republic of China according to the provisions of this law.
第三條 有限責任公司和股份有限公司是企業(yè)法人。
Article 3 A limited liability company and a joint stock company limited are enterprise legal persons.
For a limited liability company, a shareholder bears the responsibility to the company within the limit of the amount of investment made by the shareholder per se and the company shall bear the responsibility for its debts with all its assets.
For a joint stock company limited the entire capital is divided into shares of equal amount and the shareholders bear responsibilities to their company within the scope of the number of shares they hold and the company shall bear responsibilities for its debts with all its assets.
第四條 公司股東作為出資者按投入公司的資本額享有所有者的資產受益、重大決策和選擇管理者等權利。
Article 4 Shareholders of a company。as capital contributor,shall have the right to enjoy capital gains,take major policy decisions and choose managers in proportion to share of the investment they make in the company.
A company shall enjoy all legal person property rights formed by the investment by shareholders,enjoy civil rights,and bear the civil responsibilities according to law.
Ownership of the State—owned property rights in a company belongs to the State.
第五條 公司以其全部法人財產,依法自主經營,自負盈虧。
Article 5 A company shall operate independently with all its assets,and be responsible for its own profits and losses.
Under the macro—economic control and regulation by the State,a company shall have the autonomy in organizing its own production and operations according to market demand so as to raise its economic efficiency,step up its productivity and preserve and accrete the value of its assets.
第六條 公司實行權責分明、管理科學、激勵和約束相結合的內部管理體制。
Article 6 A company shall institute an internal management system that is of a clear division of power and responsibility,a scientific management,and a combine mechanism of incentives and restrictions.
第七條 國有企業(yè)改建為公司,必須依照法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定的條件和要求,轉換經營機制,有步驟地清產核資,界定產權,清理債權債務,評估資產,建立規(guī)范的內部管理機構。
Article 7 I n changing over to a company,a State—owned enterprise shall first of all change its original operational mechanism,gradually and systematically make an inventory of its own assets,define its own property right,clear its own credits and debts,appraise its own assets and establish a standard internal organizational setup according to taw and administrative decrees concerned.
第八條 設立有限責任公司、股份有限公司,必須符合本法規(guī)定的條件。符合本法規(guī)定的條件的,登記為有限責任公司或者股份有限公司;不符合本法規(guī)定的條件的,不得登記為有限責任公司或者股份有限公司。
Article 8 A limited liability company or a joint stock company limited shall be set up according to this law.Only those that can meet the requirements as set in this law can be registered as limited liability companies or joint stock companies limited those that cannot meet such requirements cannot be registered as a limited liability company or joint stock company limited.
第九條 依照本法設立的有限責任公司,必須在公司名稱中標明有限責任公司字樣。
Article 9 A limited liability company established according to this law shall include the words “l(fā)imited liability” in its name.
A joint stock company limited established according to this law shall be clearly indicated as a joint stock company limited in its name.
第十條 公司以其主要辦事機構所在地為住所。
Article 10 A company shall make the location of its math office as its address.
第十一條 設立公司必須依照本法制定公司章程。公司章程對公司、股東、董事、監(jiān)事、經理具有約束力。
Article 11 A company established according to this law shall formulate its articles of association that have a binding force on the company,its shareholders,directors,supervisors and managers alike.
The scope of business shall be defined in the articles of association and registered according to law.If the scope of business covers items restricted by law or administrative decrees.it shall be subject to approval according to law.
A company shall conduct its business activities within the scope registered.If a company has revised its articles of association according to legal procedures and registered for alteration with the registration authorities. it may change the scope of business.
第十二條 公司可以向其他有限責任公司、股份有限公司投資,并以該出資額為限對所投資公司承擔責任。
Article 12 A company may invest in other limited liability companies or joint stock companies limited and bear responsibility to the companies in which it has invested in proportion to the amount of investment it has made.
Except for investment companies and holding companies as specified by the State Council where a company invests in other limited liability companies or joint stock companies limited.the aggregate amount of the investment shall not exceed 50% of the net assets of the company,not including the capital gains of the latter put in by the company from its profits gained from the latter.
第十三條 公司可以設立分公司,分公司不具有企業(yè)法人資格,其民事責任由公司承擔。
Article 13 A company may set up branches,which shall not enjoy the status of enterprise legal persons.and the parent company shall be responsible for civil liabilities of its branches.
A company may set up subsidiaries which shall enjoy the status of enterprise legal persons and be independently responsible for their own civil liabilities.
第十四條 公司從事經營活動,必須遵守法律,遵守職業(yè)道德,加強社會主義精神文明建設,接受政府和社會公眾的監(jiān)督。
Article 14 I n conducting business operations,a company shall abide by taw,observe business ethics,promote socialist culture and ethics,and accept the supervision by the government and the public.
The legitimate rights and interests of a company shall be protected by law against any infringement.
第十五條 公司必須保護職工的合法權益,加強勞動保護,實現(xiàn)安全生產。
Article 15 A company shall protect the legitimate rights and interests of its staff and workers,strengthen labor protection,and ensure safe production.
A company shall provide its workers with vocational education and in job training in various forms to improve their working quality.
第十六條 公司職工依法組織工會,開展工會活動,維護職工的合法權益。公司應當為本公司工會提供必要的活動條件。
Article 16 Workers of a company shall organize a trade union in accordance with the law to carry out trade union activities and protect their legitimate rights and interests.A company shall provide the necessary conditions for activities of its trade union.
A solely State—owned company or a limited liability company established by more than two State—owned enterprises or by more than two State—owned investment entities shall exercise democratic management in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and relevant laws through the general meetings of the staff and workers or otherwise.
第十七條 公司中中國共產黨基層組織的活動,依照中國共產黨章程辦理。
Article 17 The grassroots organizations of the Communist Party of China in a company shall carry out their activities according to the Constitution of the Communist Party of China.
第十八條 外商投資的有限責任公司適用本法,有關中外合資經營企業(yè)、中外合作經營企業(yè)、外資企業(yè)的法律另有規(guī)定的,適用其規(guī)定。
Article 18 This taw applies to limited liability companies established with foreign investment except otherwise provided foreign the laws concerning Sino—foreign joint equity ventures,Sino—foreign joint cooperative ventures and foreign enterprises.
第二章 有限責任公司的設立和組織機構
Chapter ll Establishment and Organizational Setup Of a Limited Liability Company
第一節(jié) 設 立
Section I Establishment
第十九條 設立有限責任公司,應當具備下列條件:
Article 19 The establishment of a limited liability company shall be subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions:
1.The number of shareholders tallies with that provided for by law;
2.The investment contributed by shareholders reaches the minimum amount of capital required by law;
3.Shareholders participate in the formulation of articles of association:
4.The company has a suitable name and its organizational setup complies with that of a limited liability company;
5.The company has fixed production or operational site(s)and necessary conditions for production Or operations.
第二十條 有限責任公司由二個以上五十個以下股東共同出資設立。
Article 20 A limited liability company shall be set up by capital contributions made up by at beast two and no more than 50 shareholders.
Investment entities or departments authorized by the State may set up limited liability companies with sole State investment.
第二十一條 本法施行前已設立的國有企業(yè),符合本法規(guī)定設立有限責任公司條件的,單一投資主體的,可以依照本法改建為國有獨資的有限責任公司;多個投資主體的,可以改建為前條第一款規(guī)定的有限責任公司。
Article 21 A State—owned enterprise set up before the implementation of this law if can fulfill the condition of a limited liability company under this law may be reorganized into a solely State—owned limited liability company in the case of an investment entity with a single investor,or into a limited liability company as provided for in the first paragraph of the preceding Article in the case of an investment entity with many investors.
The steps and specific methods for State—owned enterprises to convert into companies shall be formulated separately by the State Council.
第二十二條 有限責任公司章程應當載明下列事項:
1.Name and address of the company;
2.Scope of business of the company;
3.Registered capital of the company;
4.Names of shareholders;
5.Rights and obligations of shareholders;
6.Forms and amount of investment made by shareholders;
7.Conditions for shareholders to transfer their investment;
8.The organizations of the company and the methods of establishment, their powers and functions and rules of procedures for meetings;
9. Legal representative of the company;
10. Grounds for dissolution of the company;
11. Other matters deemed necessary by shareholders;
Shareholders should sign and seal the articles of association of the company.
第二十三條 有限責任公司的注冊資本為在公司登記機關登記的全體股東實繳的出資額。
(二) 以商品批發(fā)為主的公司人民幣五十萬元;
(三) 以商業(yè)零售為主的公司人民幣三十萬元;
(四) 科技開發(fā)、咨詢、服務性公司人民幣十萬元。
Article 23 The registered capital is the total amount of investment paid in by All the shareholders registered with the registration department.
The amount of registered capital should not be less than the amount specified below;
1.for a company mainly engaging in production operations, RMB500,000;
2.for a company mainly engaging in wholesales, RMB500,000;
3.for a company mainly engaging in retail sales, RMB300,000;
4.for a company engaging in technology development, consulting and services, RMB100,000.
If the minimum amount of registered capital of a limited liability company of a given trade should be higher than those provided for in the preceding paragraph, it shall be determined separately by law or administrative decrees.
第二十四條 股東可以用貨幣出資,也可以用實物、工業(yè)產權、非專利技術、土地使用權作價出資。對作為出資的食物、工業(yè)產權、非專利技術或者土地使用權,必須進行評估作價,核實財產,不得高估或者低估作價。土地使用權的評估作價,依照法律、行政法規(guī)的規(guī)定辦理。
Article 24 Shareholders may make their investment in cash,in kind,in industrial property rights, in non—patented technology or land use rights must be correctly assessed and verified in value terms without any over or under—valuation.The assessment of land use rights in value shall be made according to law or administrative decrees.
The amount of industrial property rights or non—patented technology in value shall not exceed 20 percent of the total value of the registered capital of a limited liability company,except otherwise provided for by the State for the use of high and new technology.
Article 25 Shareholders shall pay in full their subscribed capital contributions as specified in the articles of association.In cases of making investment in cash, the contribution in cash should be deposited in full into a temporal account opened by the proposed limited liability company in a bank.In cases of using investment in kind,industrial property rights,non—patented technology or land use rights, the procedures for transfer of the property rights shall be completed according to law.
Shareholders who fail to pay in the subscribed amount of investment as provided for in the preceding paragraph should be liable to breach of contract.
第二十六條 股東全部繳納出資后,必須經法定的驗資機構驗資并出具證明。
Article 26 After all the shareholders have paid in their investment.the investment shall be verified by a legal investment verification institution and a certificate shall be produced by the institution.
第二十七條 股東的全部出資經法定的驗資機構驗資后,由全體股東指定的代表或者共同委托的代理人向公司登記機關申請設立登記,提交公司登記申請書、公司章程、驗資證明等文件。
Article 27 After all the investment paid in by shareholders is verified,a representative designated or an agent commonly commissioned by all the shareholders shall apply for registration of establishment of the company with the registration department with an application form for registration,the articles of association,investment verification documents and other documents of the company.
If an examination and approval procedure is required by law or administrative decrees,the document of approval should be submitted when the applications for establishment and registration are filed.
The company registration department should grant registration if all the requirements provided for by this law are met and issue business licenses but if the requirements provided for by this law are not met,the registration shall be refused.
The date of issue of the company business license shall be the date of establishment of the limited liability company.
第二十八條 有限責任公司成立后,發(fā)現(xiàn)作為出資的實物、工業(yè)產權、非專利技術、土地使用權的實際價額顯著低于公司章程所定價額的,應當由交付該出資的股東補交其差額,公司設立時的其他股東對其承擔連帶責任。
Article 28 After the establishment of a limited liability company, if the actual value of the investment in kind,industrial property rights,non—patented technology or land use rights are found to be apparently lower than the values set for in the articles of association of the company,the shortage shall be made good by the shareholder(s)concerned with the other shareholder bearing joint responsibility.
第二十九條 設立有限責任公司的同時設立分公司的,應當就所設分公司向公司登記機關申請登記,領取營業(yè)執(zhí)照。
Article 29 If a limited liability company sets up branches at the time of its establishment, it should apply for registration to obtain business licenses for the branches.
If a limited liability company sets up a branch or branches after its establishment, the legal representative of the company shall apply for registration of the branch of branches to obtain business license(s).
第三十條 有限責任公司成立后,應當向股東簽發(fā)出資證明書。
Article 30 After the establishment,a limited liability company shall issue certificates of investment to shareholders.
A certificate of investment should specify clearly:
1.Name of the company;
2.Date of registration of the company;
3.Registered capital of the company:
4.Names of shareholder,amount of investment paid in and the date of payment;and
5.Serial number and date of issue of the certificates of investment.
Certificates of investment shall be affixed with the seal of the company.
第三十一條 有限責任公司應當置備股東名冊,記載下列事項:
Article 3 l A limited liability company should keep a list of its shareholders with the following specified items:
1.Names or both names and address of shareholders;
2.Amount of investments paid in by the shareholders;
3.Serial number of the certificates of investment.
第三十二條 股東有權查閱股東會會議記錄和公司財務會計報告。
Article 32 Shareholders of a company have the right to review the minutes of meetings of shareholders and the financial and accounting statements of their company.
第三十三條 股東按照出資比例分取紅利。公司新增資本時,股東可以優(yōu)先認繳出資。
Article 33 Shareholder shall get dividends in proportion to the amount of investment they have made.If a company wants to increase its capital,its shareholders have the priority of subscription.
第三十四條 股東在公司登記后,不得抽回出資。
Article 34 Shareholders are not allowed to withdraw their investment after the registration of the company.
第三十五條 股東之間可以相互轉讓其全部出資或者部分出資。
Article 35 Shareholders may transfer to each other all or part of their investment.
For transferring the investment to other people other than other shareholders of the company, a shareholder must get the consent of the simple majority of the shareholders.Shareholders who disapprove of the transfer should buy the shares of investment to be transferred. If they fail to buy the shares,it shall be regarded as approval of the transfer.
For the investment shares having been approved to be transferred, other shareholders shall have the priority for the purchase under the same conditions.
第三十六條 股東依法轉讓其出資后,由公司將受讓人的姓名或者名稱、住所以及受讓的出資額記載于股東名冊。
Article 36 After a shareholder has transferred its investment according to law,the company shall record the name(s)and address(es)of the transferee(s)and the amount of investment transferred in the list of shareholders.
第二節(jié) 組織機構
Section II Organizational Setup
第三十七條 有限責任公司股東會由全體股東組成,股東會是公司的權力機構,依照本法行使職權。
Article 37 The meeting of shareholders of a limited liability company shall be made up of all shareholders.The meeting of shareholders shall be the authoritative organization of the company and exercises its powers according to this law.
第三十八條 股東會行使下列職權:
Article 38 The meeting of shareholders shall exercise the following powers:
1.To decide upon the operation policies and investment plans of the company.
2.To elect and replace directors and decide on matters relating to remuneration to directors.
3.To elect and replace the supervisors who are the representatives of shareholders and decide on the payment to supervisors.
4.To examine and approve the reports by the boa rd of directors.
5.To examine and approve the reports by the supervisory committee or individual supervisors.
6.To examine and approve the annual financial and budget plan and financial accounting plan of the company.
7.To examine and approve the plans for company's profit distribution and losses recovery.
8.To pass resolutions on the increase or decrease of registered capital.
9.To pass resolutions on the issue of bonds.
10.To pass resolutions on the transfer of investment by shareholders to people other than shareholders.
11.To pass resolutions on issues as merger,division,change in corporate form,dissolution and liquidation and other affairs of the company.
12.To revise the articles of association of the company.
第三十九條 股東會的議事方式和表決程序,除本法有規(guī)定的以外,由公司章程規(guī)定。
Article 39 Methods of discussion and voting procedures of the meeting of shareholders shall be provided for in the articles of association except otherwise provided for by this law.
The resolution on the increase or decrease of registered capital,division,merger,dissolution or change of corporate form of the company must be agreed by shareholders representing two-thirds of the voting rights.
第四十條 公司可以修改章程。修改公司章程的決議,必須經代表三分之二以上表決權的股東通過。
Article 40 A company may revise its articles of association.The resolution on the revision of the articles of association must be agreed by shareholders representing over two—thirds of the voting rights.
第四十一條 股東會會議由股東按照出資比例行使表決權。
Article 4l In a meeting of shareholders,the voting rights shall be exercised in proportion to the amount of investment made by shareholders.
第四十二條 股東會的首次會議由出資最多的股東召集和主持,依照本法規(guī)定行使職權。
Article 42 The first meeting of the shareholders shall be convened and presided over by the shareholder whose capital contribution is the largest.Such shareholder shall exercise its rights according to the provisions of this law.
第四十三條 股東會會議分為定期會議和臨時會議。
Article 43 Meetings of shareholders shall be divided into regular meetings and irregular meetings.
Regular meetings shall be called according to the provisions of the articles of association of the company.Irregular meetings may be called upon the motion by shareholders who represent over one—fourth of the voting rights or by over one—third of the directors or supervisors.
If a limited liability company has a board of directors,the meeting of shareholders shall be called by the board of directors and presided over by the chairman of the board of directors the chairman of the board of directors is unable to perform the duty due to special reasons,the meetings shall be presided over by a vice—chairman of the board of directors or a director designated by the chairman of the board of directors.
第四十四條 召開股東會會議,應當于會議召開十五日以前通知全體股東。
Article 44 If a meeting of shareholders is to be held,notice shall be given to all the shareholders l5 days before the meeting is held.
The meeting of shareholders shall keep minutes on matters discussed and to be signed by shareholders present.
第四十五條 有限責任公司設董事會,其成員為三人至十三人。
Article 45 The board of directors of a limited liability company shall be made up of 3 to 13 persons.
For a board of directors established by at least two State owned enterprises or by at least two State owned investment entities, members of its board of directors should include representatives of workers, who are to be elected by the workers through democratic processes.
A board of directors shall have a chairman and may have one to two vice-chairmen. The vided for in the articles of association of the company.
The chairman of the board of directors is the legal representative of the company.
第四十六條 董事會對股東會負責,行使下列職權:
(二) 執(zhí)行股東會的決議;
Article 46 The board of directors shall be responsible to the meeting of shareholders and exercises the following powers:
1.To call meetings of shareholders and report work to the meetings of shareholders.
2.To execute the resolutions passed by the meetings of shareholders.
3.To decide on the operation and investment plans.
4.To formulate the company's annual financial budget and final accounts.
5.To formulate the profit distribution and losses recovery plans.
6.To formulate plans for increasing or decreasing registered capital of the company.
7.To draft plans for merger, division, change of corporate form and dissolution of the company.
8.To decide on the organizational setup of the company.
9.To appoint or dismiss manager(general manager) of the company(hereinafter referred to as“manager”), appoint or dismiss deputy managers and decide on their remuneration.
10.To formulate the basic management systems of the company.
第四十七條 董事任期由公司章程規(guī)定,但每屆任期不得超過三年。董事任期屆滿,連選可以連任。
Article 47 The term of office for the chairman of the board of directors shall be provided for in the articles of association,in case that each term of the office shall not be longer than three years.The chairman of the board of directors may be re—elected upon the expiration of the term to serve another term.
Before the term of office of a director expires,the meeting of shareholders shall not dismiss him(her)from his(her)posts without justifiable reasons.
第四十八條 董事會會議由董事長召集和主持;董事長因特殊原因不能履行職務時,由董事長指定副董事長或者其他董事召集和主持。三分之一以上董事可以提議召開董事會會議。
Article 48 The meetings of the board of directors shall be called and presided over by the chairman of the board of directors.If the chairman of the board of directors is unable to perform his(her)duty due to special reasons,a vice—chairman of the board of directors or a director designated by the chairman of the board of directors shall call and preside over the meetings.A meeting of the board of directors may be called upon the motion by at least one-third of the directors.
第四十九條 董事會的議事方式和表決程序,除本法有規(guī)定的以外,由公司章程規(guī)定。
Article 49 The method Of discussion and the procedures of voting at the meeting of the board of directors shall be provided for in the articles of association except otherwise provided for in this law.
In concerning a meeting of the board of directors,a notice shall be given to the directors concerned 10 days before the meeting is held.
The board of directors shall keep minutes of meetings made on the matters discussed and being
signed by the directors present.
第五十條 有限責任公司設經理,由董事會聘任或者解聘。經理對董事會負責,行使下列職權:
Article 50 A limited liability company shall have a manager,subject to appointment or dismissal by the board of directors.The manager shall be responsible to the board of directors and exercise the following powers:
1.To be in charge of the company's production operations and management of the company and organize the implementation of the decisions of the board of directors.
2.Implementation of the annual operation and investment plans of the company.
3.Formulate the internal organizational setup plan.
4.Formulate the basic management system of the company.
5.Formulate specific rules and regulations of the company.
6.Propose the appointment or dismissal of deputy managers and financial officers of the company.
7.Appoint or dismiss management officers other than those required to be appointed or dismissed by the board of directors.
8.Other powers conferred by the articles of association and the board of directors.
The manager shall attend the meeting of the board of directors as a non—voting member.
第五十一條 有限責任公司,股東人數(shù)較少和規(guī)模較小的,可以設一名執(zhí)行董事,不設立董事會。執(zhí)行董事可以兼任公司經理。
Article 51 If a limited liability company with a small number of shareholders and a small scale of operation,it may have one sole executive director instead of the board of directors.The executive director may concurrently serve as the manager of the company.
The powers and functions of the managing director shall be defined in the articles of association pursuant to the provisions of Article 46 of this law.
If a limited liability company has no board of directors,the managing director shall be the legal representative.
第五十二條 有限責任公司,經營規(guī)模較大的,設立監(jiān)事會,其成員不得少于三人。監(jiān)事會應在其組成人員中推選一名召集人。
Article 52 A limited liability company with a relatively large scale of operation shall have a supervisory committee made up of not less than three members and a convenor elected among the members.
The supervisory committee shall include representatives of shareholders and a certain proportion of workers representatives.The specific proportion shall be specified in the articles of association.
The workers representatives to the supervisory committee shall be elected by workers through democratic process.
A limited liability company with a relatively small number of shareholders and of a small operation scale may have one to two supervisors.
Director, manager and financial officer of a company shall not concurrently serve as supervisors.
第五十三條 監(jiān)事的任期每屆為三年。監(jiān)事任期屆滿,連選可以連任。
Article 53 The term of office of a supervisor is three years, upon the expiration of the term, a
supervisor may be reappointed and serve another term.
第五十四條 監(jiān)事會或者監(jiān)事行使下列職權:
(一) 檢查公司財務;
(二) 對董事、經理執(zhí)行公司職務時違反法律、法規(guī)或者公司章程的行為進行監(jiān)督;
Article 54 The supervisory committee or individual supervisors of a company exercise the following powers:
1.To check up on the financial affairs of the company;
2.To supervise the law and regulation violating acts or the articles of association of directors and manager in performing their duties;
3.To request directors or manager to remedy their acts whenever such acts harm the interests of the company;
4.To propose the convening of an interim shareholders' meeting; and
5.To exercise other powers as provided for in the articles of association.
Supervisors shall attend the meeting of the board of directors as non-voting members.
第五十五條 公司研究決定有關職工工資、福利、安全生產以及勞動保護、勞動保險等涉及職工切身利益的問題,應當事先聽取公司工會和職工的意見,并邀請工會或者職工代表列席有關會議。
Article 55 Whenever considering and deciding on wages, welfares, production safety of the staff and workers and labor protection and labor insurance and other issues concerning the personal interests of the staff and works, opinions of the trade union and the workers of the company should first of all be solicited and representatives of the trade union or workers should be invited as observers to meetings concerned.
第五十六條 公司研究決定生產經營的重大問題、制定重要的規(guī)章制度時,應當聽取公司工會和職工的意見和建議。
Article 56 Opinions and suggestions of the trade union and workers of the company should also be solicited when considering and deciding on major issues concerning the operation of the company and when major rules and regulation are formulated for the company.
第五十七條 有下列情形之一的,不得擔任公司的董事、監(jiān)事、經理:
Article 57 The following persons may not serve as the director, supervisor or manager of a company:
1.persons without or with restricted civil capacity;
2.persons who have committed the offences of corruption, bribery, infringement of property, misappropriation of property or sabotaging the social economic order, and have been sentenced to criminal penalties, where less than five years have elapsed since the date of completion of the sentence; or persons who have been deprived of their political rights due to criminal offense, where less than five years have elapsed since the date of the completion of this deprivation;
3.persons who are former directors, factory directors of managers of a company or enterprise which has become bankrupt and been liquidated as a result of mismanagement and are personally liable of bankruptcy of such company or enterprise, where less than three years have elapsed since the date of completion of the bankruptcy and liquidate.